Requirements Analysis
Design to Production
Production and Manufacturing


Algorithm Development
Requirements Derivation
Design Trade Studies
Re-use Libraries
Sizing and Timing


Hardware Design and Development
Requirements Traceability
Test Tool Development
Rapid Prototyping
Incremental Testing
Pass/Fail Criteria

Key technical personnel have worked together over the past 25 years in systems design, software development, hardware integration and flight test.


Military and Commercial Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's)
Logistics, Support, and Training in all areas of UAV Systems
R&D, Design, and Fabrication of UAV's and all related UAV systems, both airborne and ground based
Large scale Radio Control Airplanes and systems for Major Hollywood Film Studios and Movie Productions
Commercial Aerospace Flight Test Programs


Microwave and SATCOM Video/Voice/Data Uplinks and Downlinks
Integrated Flight Qualified Data Acquisition Systems
Sub-system Support Products include Antennas, Transmitters, Receivers, Recovery Parachutes, and Complete Packages
Embedded GPS Systems with Ground Station GUI's

On-board instrumentation for avionics data, aircraft systems data, telemetry uplink and downlink, and embedded smart controller.
Monitor MIL-STD-1553B and ARINC 429 / 629 data bus(es), telemetry data to ground station.
Monitor aircraft system parameters (engine, fuel flow, actuators, control surfaces, etc.) to assure optimal operations and for characterization of flight characteristics.
Telemetry uplink of commanding data to be transferred to on-board systems and downlink of data collected via monitoring systems.
Embedded controller for uplink command processing, on-board data collection parameters, etc.
Ground-based data collection and reduction facilities; either laboratory resident or portable via pack.
Data collection and file creation for post-processing of monitor data.
Run-time viewing and graphing of monitor data with min/max values for specifically highlighted parameters.
Ground Laboratory system simulation
and embedded software development.
Simulation of on-board systems to support analysis of collected data, including avionics LRU's, aircraft flight parameters, etc.
Embedded software development for instrumentation, smart controller, or multi-functional main computer based on algorithms and/or specification.

Joint Tactical UAV, Outrider, Alliant TechSystems
Provided on-board telemetry package forunmanned flight test vehicles, including full color video telemetry downlink system, data acquisition micro-electronics and embedded software. AT-DRV-1000™ telemetry system.
Full ground station software with uplink amplifier and antenna.
Developed a high data-rate, 40 channel, flight qualified telemetry system for transmission of critical performance parameters to ground station computers. AT-DRV-4000™ telemetry system.
Hunter UAV, TRW
Provided telemetry downlink system for short range unmanned reconnaissance training vehicles. Mil-Std Series™ telemetry system.
High Altitude UAV, Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories
Developed an airborne voice relay package that features remote frequency control, for use in a high altitude UAV. VRS-5900™ repeater system.
Recon Helicopter, U.S. Naval Weapons Warfare Center
Tactical Missile, U.S. Army Missile Command
AT-6 Full Scale Racing Airplane
Cornell University
Implemented mission critical telemetry downlink system with uplink controller.
These fully integrated systems feature complete sensor packages, airborne antennas, transmitters, amplifiers,
receivers, and ground station software with programmable sensor calibration, GUI, and data logger for the telemetry data.
Tactical Meteorology (TACMET) Program, Tracor, Inc.
Developed and implemented data link system for a vertical drop meteorological sonde launched from an F-16 aircraft.
System included RF data uplink and downlink between deployed sonde, aircraft resident electronics pod, and remote ground station.
Subsystems: amplifier, antennas, and modems.
O.N.R., Office of Naval Research
Implemented long range Beyond Line of Sight data link for a tactical weather sonde with over 200 nm RF link range. DLS-1000™
McDonnell Douglas Aircraft
Provided system design, development and ground support for a recovery parachute system used during flight testing at Edwards Air Force Base. AT-16P+™
Payload Drop Aircraft, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
Developed and delivered an emergency recovery parachute to aid in controlling the payload following deployment. AT-15RD™
0.85 Mach Drone Project, Rockwell International - Aircraft Division
Developed and delivered a ballistic recovery parachute system to aid in controlling the drone and facilitating subsequent recovery. AT-10N™
Generic Simulation Design/Specification Platforms International Corporation (PIC)
Design both hardware and software architecture for a generic simulation to cover all phases of systems engineering, mission analysis and system development.
Create hardware procurement specification as well as software design specification.
B-2 Software Support
Support simulation development and 2167 documentation for Northrop-Grumman on the B-2 program
F-5 Upgrade Program
Formal qualification testing for OFP (weapon delivery mission computer and display processor) and integration with
complete avionics system, both dynamic and static.
F-16 IFAST Support
Laboratory simulation, tools, and maintenance developed in C for Silicon Graphics platform
Embraer (Brazil)
Government of India
Avionics Consulting
Laboratory design and implementation
Avionics system conceptual design
P3 Upgrade (KHI, China Lake Naval Weapons Center)
Rocketdyne Space Station
MIL-STD-1553B interface support, drive and application software, porting and rehosting
New Millennium, Deep-Space #1 (DS-1)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Providing Mil-STD-1553B data bus expertisefor system engineering, simulation, modeling, and integration/test.
Knowledge acquisition and simulation modeling of line replaceable units (LRU) for DS-1 implementation
Simulation architecture, infra-structure develoopment, integration and testing of simulation for use with flight software
(FSW) integration and test.
Precision Autonomous Navigation and Orbit Control Kit
Multi-satellite implementation of GBS simulation, C embedded software developoment, program management.
SSTI Program
Kalman Filter for Orbit Maintenance (15,000 Ada LOC) resident in RH300 32 bit processor
Technology for Autonomous Orbit Support (TAOS) Program/Step Mission O
MANS (25,000 Ada LOC) GVSC resident OFP on Honeywell MIL-STD-1750A, as well as on-orbit support of OFP performance
MANS Ground Based Simulator (GBS) (85,000 Ada LOC) on VAX 3400 3500
MSTI Scout
MIL-STD-1750 Ada kernel extensions and embedded test software
OFP IV & V, methodology review and evaluation
We have over 40 years experience as an Air Force approved depot repair facility and the
reputation for providing quality overhaul and repair work on avionics systems and components
for commercial and military aircraft. -
Experience in ground, airborne, fixed and land mobile radios. Qualified to repair: Motorola, Rockwell-Collins, Magnavox and Loral Terracom Communications Systems.
TACAN, ARN, VOR, ADF, LORAN and DME Navigation Systems.
Bendix-Allied Signal, Sperry and Collins Automatic Flight Control Systems
Teledyne Stability Augmentation Systems
Westinghouse APG-66 and APG-68 fire control radar systems applicable to F-16 aircraft.
F-5, F-16, C-130, T-38, DC-10, and MD-11 Aircraft Experience.
Quality Rating: Qualified MIL-I-45208A, MIL-Q-9858A, and ISO 9001 Compliant
FAA License: PW3R778L Approved Repair Facility
Radio Class I, II, III and Instrument Class II, III.
Department of Defense facility cage code and security clearance to Secret level.
Facility is modern free standing structure with office and electronic and ESD workstation improvements. Complete with temperature control, fire sprinklers and monitored alarm.
Our testing lab includes standard test equipment as well as custom equipment necessary to meet operational standards. Here is a partial list of some of the fully calibrated test equipment in our laboratory:
HP 8720B Digital Network Analyzer
HP 8562A Digital Spectrum Analyzer
HP 8565A Spectrum Analyzer
HP 8350B Sweep Oscillator
HP 5342A Microwave Frequency Counter